Few Necessary Checks Before Purchasing Your Home

In the Italian legal system, the notary is a figure who has multiple tasks, including transcribing deeds and preserving purchase deposits. When you are ready to conclude a real estate sale, he is the public official to contact to transcribe the final deed into the public registers. Before agreeing to complete the deed of sale, the notary carries out fundamental checks on the state of the property, seeking information relating to the cadastral sphere and the mortgage situation. However, it is important to know that the checks carried out by the notary can (and must) be started well in advance also by the parties involved in the sale and with the assistance of the real estate broker. For this purpose, both directly to citizens and to the real estate agents they turn to, the Italian Agenzia delle Entrate provides specific tools on their website in order to obtain information on the properties being sold. 

Thanks to the consultation of the data through the online platform of the Agency, and sometimes together with the consultation of paper documents in the municipal archives, the buyer can be sure of having appropriately verified the cadastral data of the property he wishes to purchase and of excluding the possible presence of mortgages and situations of discrepancy. To avoid disputes and therefore to protect hirself, by virtue of the effect of the transcription of the preliminary contract in the real estate registers guaranteed by law, the buyer can decide to contact a notary to transcribe the preliminary contract in the public registers and thus ensure that no further sales of the same property may occur and no rights may subsequently be established in favor of third parties until the date of the final deed. 

Whether or not you decide to make use of the intervention of a notary in the intermediate stages of the sale, it is important that from the beginning you can count on an expert team of real estate agents to diligently conduct the necessary preventive checks. 

Reach out to our team to obtain full assistance even in the preliminary stages of your purchase.


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