Before definitively deciding to list your property up for sale, it is advisable to check that you have all the documents necessary to provide exhaustive information about it. Getting everything can take time, and some of the essential documentation can be difficult to read. Here is some information that can help distinguish two important characteristics that a property should have before being listed on the market:
Urban Compliance:
The property must have a title that demonstrates the accordance with local regulations. The title not only is required following the construction of a property, but rather it must be obtained again – and in an updated form – every time structural changes are transforming the property in a different shape from its authorized status. Regardless of the name under which the title is presented, compliance is guaranteed only in a situation of full correspondence between the actual state of the property and the state authorized by the projects filed with the municipality. In the event that the current state of the property does not correspond to what was deposited, or in the event that there are discrepancies, it will not be possible to declare building compliance. Some discrepancies can be resolved by obtaining the qualification afterwards. For cases that cannot be remedied, procedures must be performed in order to re-establish the authorized status.
With the exception of properties built before September 1967, at the time of the deed it is necessary to deliver the enabling title that legitimizes the current state of the property, followed by any subsequent titles capable of demonstrating that the changes that have occurred have been appropriately accompanied by proper authorizations.
Cadastral Conformity:
In order to demonstrate that the property is cadastral compliant, the seller must obtain a cadastral plan from the Italian Catasto (Land Agency). If the current state of the property corresponds to the plan as known in that office, then it is a situation of full compliance.
It is important to pay attention to differentiating the two types of conformity: A property can correspond perfectly to the plans deposited in the Cadastre archives despite lacking the building authorization titles that demonstrate urban compliance.
What is obtained from the land registry offices therefore has no probative value, and any cadastral compliance is not to be considered a sign of urban/building compliance nor a guarantee of the existence of titles issued by the Municipality.
Finding and interpreting the documentation described so far can be a long and complicated process. A qualified technician can be consulted and then in charge to sign a declaration of conformity, which is a good way to protect yourself. In fact, it is the seller who is responsible for what has been declared since the prodromal phase.
For this reason, contacting us can certainly be one of the solutions to speed up the process and be sure of proceeding without errors!
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