What is A.P.E. (Energy Performance Certificate)

A.P.E. is a document that contains important information about a home from the energy performance point of view and provides a description of the characteristics of the apartment according to a 10-letter scale. These letters, assigned in a range between A4 and G, represent the energy efficiency of the property and are accompanied by a numerical value expressed in kWh/m2 per year. This document must be obtained by the owners by appointing a qualified technician, called a certifier, who will carry out an inspection of the property and draw up the document. When drafting the certificate, the technician analyzes the characteristics of the property using a software, taking into consideration the exposure, the state of the walls and fixtures, the systems present for heating, cooling and hot water. The technician will also pay attention to any production of renewable energy. 

Once obtained, the certificate will be valid for 10 years. After 10 years from the date of issue, it will be expired and will become necessary to request a new certificate. The A.P.E. document again must be changed if interventions are carried out in order to modify the energy performance characteristics (such as the replacement of fixtures, for example, or the installation of insulating materials) 

Why get this certification? 

Since 2009, it has been mandatory to have this certificate in the event of a sale, and since 2010 it has also been mandatory to provide it for rental contracts. In both cases it will therefore be necessary to provide the certificate with the technician’s signature (also digital). The A.P.E. is the document that helps us evaluate what type of expenditure we are preparing to incur for energy in the case of purchase or rental, but it is also an important tool for guiding energy requalification choices. Consult an expert from our team to find out what other documents and certifications are necessary to prepare your home up for sale.


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